Saturday, October 25, 2003

What I've been up to

Just thought I'd give you a quick run-down of the past couple of days, since I don't have anything terribly fascinating to say.

Thursday it snowed, of course. I also had my first choir rehearsal. It's disturbingly like being back in my high school choir. Everybody talks while the director is trying to work, and the tenors are incompetent. Good times, though.

Yesterday I taught three classes instead of my normal two. The first class was fourth formers, and they were terrible. Speaking English seemed to be some sort of odious, disease-conferring task. My other two classes were fantastic. The kids were excited about my lessons (one on the death penalty, one working with the Blossom Dearie song Rhode Island Is Famous for You.) Then last night I went to a heuriger with my Betreuungsleherin and the usual suspects, and it was good times. Lots of singing German drinking songs and not quite getting the jokes. Ah well.

Today I slept late, and am now blogging. Tonight I'll hit the local disco with some of my students (mmmhm, we'll see) and then tomorrow I'm meeting up with another of my teachers to do some sort of hiking thing to celebrate the anniversary of the end of WWII. I don't know.

So that's life. And I need to go buy a hat so my ears can survive it.

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