Friday, October 17, 2003

What do you mean, there's no peanut butter?

As you know, I am obsessed with grocery shopping. (If you don't know, who are you and how did you find this blog?) This obsession is a good thing, since one of my chief occupations here in Stegersbach is go to the grocery store. There are four, and I've been to all of them.

Of course, the grocery store here is a little different. Not only is it smaller and open less, it's got a weird selection of products. Mayonnaise in a tube, check. (Oddly, looks a lot like a tube of Preparation H in the U.S.) Eighty-four varieties of soup in a packet, check. Gummi bears, check. Vanilla sugar, check. Peanut butter...not so much. You can find it if you look hard, a dusty jar pushed into the back corner of the Nutella/honey shelf, but it's generic and the cashier will look at you weird and then speak English to you if you buy it. Which I didn't, because I love Nutella.

So the produce section is small, the tea and coffee section is huge, and film development is expensive. Want to know what's really scary, though?

Nobody here knows what an Oreo is.

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