Tuesday, August 26, 2003

And I don't even like Mexican food

I stole this from Mary's friend Chris's blog because I'm a) lazy, b) bored, and c) completely unable to come up with an interesting blog, outside of the fact that I listened to the Lizzy McGuire Movie soundtrack and I feel shame. Also, I like questionnaires, especially if they're about me. Not-so-latent narcissism.

The Ten-Layer Burrito..
Name: Erin
Birth date: March 23, 1981
Birthplace: Chadron, Nebraska
Current Location: Houston, Texas, for the next three-ish weeks.
Eye Color: Hazel, although if you ask anybody who knows me, they'll tell you brown. They're wrong.
Hair Color: Dark brown
Height: Almost 5'9"
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Aries. Can't you figure this question out from the birthdate? Or is that too much work?

Your heritage: German, Irish, Polish, and Dutch. Probably some other random stuff, as well. German is predominant.
The shoes you wore today: Black flip-flops, the same as every other day this summer.
Your weakness: Sweets. And romantic comedies, which is the film-world equivalent of sweets.
Your fears: That's a long list. Not being liked is probably chief among them, though.
Your perfect pizza: Italian sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms, green peppers, onions, cheese. Thin crust.
Goal you'd like to achieve: Find housing for my move to Austria. This is stressing me out.

Your most overused phrase on AIM: "Excellent." Or "Very good." Usually I'm just saying them to say something and they don't mean anything.
Your thoughts first waking up: "8:04 minus 40...that's 7:20. I can sleep for 20 more minutes." My math isn't so great in the morning.
Your best physical feature: My hair? I don't know.
Your bedtime: Varies. I try to be in bed by midnight on "work nights," but I don't give myself a bedtime on weekends. Usually ends up being around 2 or 2:30 a.m.
Your most missed memory: What does this mean? Missed memory? I don't know. Most loved memory...um, probably any Christmas with my family in the past five or so years.

Pepsi or Coke: Diet Vanilla Coke.
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's. Burger King can suck it. Their fries are vile, among other things.
Adidas or Nike: Adidas, I suppose. Although I don't wear much from either company.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Couldn't care less. Not a big tea drinker.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate almost always.
Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee, usually flavored with cream and sugar. It says, "I'm adult enough to drink coffee...almost."

Smoke: Occasionally when drinking, otherwise no.
Cuss: When provoked.
Sing: Constantly.
Take a shower: Reluctantly. In general, I don't like to get wet, but yes, I understand the need for personal hygeine. I almost always shower at night, though, so I can sleep through my hair drying.
Have a crush(es): Usually. Not right now.
Do you think you've been in love: No.
Want to go to college graduate school: Yeah, I do, despite the fact that I don't know if I'll ever get a job with a doctorate in prose literature.
Like(d) high school: That'd be a big "no." I wasn't miserable, to be sure, but it was sort of like having morning sickness: doesn't really hurt, but you never know what's going to make you vomit, so you lay still and hope it goes away.
Want to get married: Sure, someday. It becomes less and less of an automatic assumption as I get older, though.
Believe in yourself: Intermittently.
Get motion sickness: I used to, but not so much anymore. Occasionally when flying, I get this feeling I can only describe as being "sick to my head" when landing. My head feels like vomiting, but my stomach is fine.
Think you're attractive: Not really.
Think you're a health freak: Definitely not.
Get along with your parent(s): Absolutely. I adore them, and they have made the transition from authority figures to advice givers gracefully. I'm also unusually careful not to rock the boat, which helps.
Like thunderstorms: Adore them, too. Any sort of extreme weather makes me happy. I particularly enjoy lightning, though.
Play an instrument: No, sadly. I sing all the time, but I've got about as much coordination as God gave little green apples, which makes instruments difficult. I want to learn to play the guitar. Maybe when I get back.

In the past month...
Had alcohol: Yeah. We had margaritas at El Pueblito a couple of weeks ago, and I had a hard lemonade or something at that alumni thing.
Smoked: Nope.
Done a drug: If one can be said to "do" ibuprophen. Otherwise, no.
Had Sex: No.
Made Out: No.
Gone on a date: I've had several pseudo-dates with my pseudo-husband. A date-date, no.
Gone to the mall?: Yes. I bought four pairs of pants for $70. It was the bargain of the day.
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Oreos don't come in boxes.
Eaten sushi: No. There's nothing about sushi that appeals to me, and yes, that includes the rice.
Been on stage: No.
Been dumped: Not romantically.
Made homemade cookies: No. I made brownies from a mix last week.
Gone skinny dipping: No.
Dyed your hair: No, but I've given it some serious consideration.
Stolen anything: Pens from work. Not intentionally, but I'm a pen klepto. If I use a pen, it becomes mine.

Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes
If so, was it mixed company: Yes. And that's all I'm going to say.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes, although I've never blacked out or even had a serious hangover. But drunk enough to say things I shouldn't have? Yes.
Been caught "doing something": My mom caught me snooping in Christmas presents one year. I mean, seriously, could you vague that up for me? (No, by the way.)
Been called a tease: Yes.
Gotten beaten up: No.
Shoplifted: Once, when I was seven or so. It was candy, naturally.
Changed who you were to fit in: Well, not changed, but definitely muted certain parts of my personality.

Age you hope to be married: I don't know. Before death?
Numbers and Names of Children: Zero kids. Maybe one of my sibs will be nice and let me name a niece or nephew.
Describe your Dream Wedding: Um, family and close friends at the church (so like...25 people), and then a cook-out for everybody we know (and like...so, again, 25 people) at my parents' house. We can grill steaks, Mom can make a few cakes, and everybody can hang out and chat. There will be no more than three bridesmaids, I will not wear a ridiculously expensive dress, and nobody will be worried about last-minute details the day of the wedding. My husband and I will spend the reception chilling in lawn chairs, rather than jumping through hoops.
How do you want to die: Satisfied with what I've accomplished.
Where you want to go to college graduate school: Somewhere in the midwest, I think. University of Chicago and University of Illinois U-C are my top choices right now.
What do you want to be when you grow up: Professor of English. Or a bookstore owner. Or both.
What country would you most like to visit: Egypt. I wanted to be an Egyptologist from fifth grade until I was a freshman in high school. Pyramids still get me a little bothered.
In a guy/girl..
Best eye color: Doesn't matter that much to me. Deep brown? Whatever.
Best hair color: Again, whatever. The guys I've fallen for have had a pretty broad spectrum.
Short or long hair: Short, for sure. It's exceedingly rare that I think long hair looks good on a guy. Exceedingly.
Height: Taller than me is preferable, but I'll settle for within an inch.
Best weight: Eh. Not overly picky.
Best articles of clothing: I don' t have particular demands, but I do have deal-breakers. For example, pleated-front khakis are right out.
Best first date location: Coffe house or cafe. Something casual but with a decent scene. You can always fall back on people-watching.
Best first kiss location: Wherever. I don't think it matters all that much. It's about the kiss, not the location.

Number of drugs taken illegally: None. Well, I drank before I was of age.
Number of people you'd trust with your life: Five.
Number of CDs that I own: I don't know. I rarely listen to CDs. 50? At most.
Number of piercings: Four in the right ear, five in the left, and my left eyebrow. So 10.
Number of tattoos: Zero.
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: I don't know, a bunch. When you live in a town of 5,000, it's not hard. Probably once a month or every other month while I was in high school.
Number of scars on my body: One on my left thigh from April of 1988, the same month that I smashed my finger in a heavy door so the nail fell off and that I sprained my ankle jumping off a retaining wall into a snowbank. I got the scar because I was running back from lunch in slick shoes (racing a boy), fell down, and cut my leg open. I had to get seven stitches. I screamed the whole way through the stitching, and what's funny is that I remember the exact moment I stopped screaming because it hurt and I was scared, and started screaming just to be contrary. I was also quite upset that I got blood on the brand new dress I was wearing that day. My mom had made it. It had a skirt that belled out when I spun around, and the fabric was a loud tropical pattern I had picked myself. It reminded me of Hawaii. Not that I'd ever been to Hawaii. Other than that, the usual assortment of small scars you acquire while growing up.
Number of things in my past that I regret: Multitudinous. I have an overdeveloped sense of guilt.

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