Sunday, November 02, 2003

But do you miss me?

So I've been in Stegersbach a month now, which is hard to believe. Time flies, etc., etc. I have the run of the dorm, which is rockin' good times—I get to use the only computer with internet, I never get punished for leaving the table a mess, I'm allowed to do my own laundry (instead of paying 8€ a load to have it done), and I can leave the room when the Heimleiter starts one of his interminable speeches about how the kids need to clean their rooms.

It's odd how quickly you become accustomed to a place, and how much of it happens without you even being aware of it. Three weeks ago I couldn't have imagined having a routine that I follow throughout the week. Two weeks ago I couldn't comprehend having friends and acquaintances in town. Last week I was confused about choir rehearsal and finding new stuff to read and God knows what. The problems are getting smaller as the comfort level gets higher. It's not home like Houston or Nebraska were home, but it's getting to be like hanging out at Grandma's: you wouldn't want to live there forever, but it's a rockin' good time while you're there.

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