Monday, May 12, 2003

Cutest thing ever: classified to prevent my gruesome death

Instead of going back to bed tonight, I did two things of note: played with the Ms (who shall henceforth, when referred to en masse, be known as 3M) and talked to Tex. We'll address these one at a time.

Playing with 3M: Although I play with one or more of the Ms almost every day, but this outing with 3M marked the official beginning of summer, even though M! still has three weeks of school left and the rest of us have been out of class for two weeks or more. We went to Empire Cafe, the official sponsor of 3M & E summer cake consumption, then played Trivial Pursuit at M2's new apartment. I'm pleased to report that M2 and I kicked a little booty, fending off a last minute rally from M! and M3. Hanging out with 3M is an exercise in hilarity. And patience.

Talking to Tex: Tex is out of his ever-loving mind. He has moved in with his girlfriend of eight months, with whom he has evidently discussed marriage and babies; he is starting a full-time job with Dynegy and buying a truck tomorrow. I don't know how much more grown-up one person can get at the tender age of 22, and it's mind-boggling. This is the kid who spent last summer getting drunk, watching baseball, and hooking up with a string of girls, one of whom was a hypochondriac stalker type. I just don't get it.

Happy Mother's Day to M4 (40 minutes late). I forgot to say it this morning, but I was barely conscious, so I accept no blame. Anyway, love you, Mom. I'm not going to cry about it or anything, but still.

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