Tuesday, February 04, 2003

The Public Library: A Terrible Ode to a Hilarious Experience

Allen Parkway, we know you all too well
Getting here was a triple dose of hell.
Parking was a special nightmare,
Before M1 took over it induced some white hair
The library layout is quite mysterious
And the library patrons oft deleterious:
Cackling lady at the computers
Kids in the YA section look like looters.
There's a weird-ass cash cow in the lobby
Hanging out as we enable Mar's fickle hobby.
Books on applique and baby showers:
Finding what she wants can take her hours.
Wandering aimlessly through the shelves,
M1 and I must amuse ourselves.
Now we're back and mostly fine
Tho' Cap'n's reduced my fingers to nine.
Heading home, loaded down with books and strife,
I think to myself, "I've got to get a life!"

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