Monday, April 19, 2004

I'm going to kill you, Charles Dickens

I swear, if he weren't already dead...

I took the practice test for the GRE Literature this weekend. My results were sort of disappointing (although better than the person who owned the book before me). I mean, I'm not going to be stuck going to BFE U., but I'm not getting into Cornell, either.

Here is the problem that I have: I'm actually a very poorly read English major. (I think I've posted about this before, but I'm too lazy to go look for it.) I read a lot, but I read a lot of crap. I read children's books and random stuff in German and romance novels and whatever's on the NY Times Bestseller List. I mean, reading Vernon God Little and The Lovely Bones isn't bad for me, but it isn't helping me get into grad school, either.

A list of things I'm ashamed to admit I've never read:
  • The Odyssey and The Illiad I was supposed to read them both at various points in my educational career and just never did. I bought The Odyssey a few months ago, determined to read it. It's gathering dust on my shelf.

  • Anything by Henry James.

  • Or Edith Wharton.

  • Or really any American author who wrote before 1960. That includes Faulkner, Hemingway, and Fitzgerald (but not Steinbeck).

  • Tess of the D'Ubervilles. This wouldn't be a particular tragedy except it keeps popping up at odd moments in my life and I have to be all, "Uh, yeah. Never got around to it."

  • Joyce's Ulysses. I tried when I was in Dr. Doody's Engl. 364, but after about 100 pages I was so annoyed by frickin' Bloom that I put it down. I got an A on the paper about it that I faked my way through, though.

  • Othello. Obvious.

  • I'm sure there are other things that will occur to me after I post this, because every time I see a list of great books I have to cringe and admit that I haven't read nearly as many as I should have.

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