Thursday, January 01, 2004

New Year's Resolutions

I usually don't make New Year's Resolutions, because I know that I won't keep them, and then I'll feel guilty, and if there's one thing I don't need, it's to feel guilty more often than I already do.

But this year I figured I'd give it a whirl, just to be bold and adventurous.

So without further ado, may I present:

Erin's 2004 New Year's Resolutions

Re: Books I will make a monthly book budget and stick to it. In aid of this resolution, I will remind the Houston Public Library that I have not, in fact, had The Sun Also Rises since August, and make them reinstate my library card.

Re: Cooking I will not, on any given day of the year, eat cereal for all three meals. I will concede that there is no practical difference between "pasta" and "noodles."

Re: Blogging I will worry less about the comments I get (or don't get), and more about posting interesting blogs. I will not blog just to blog. I will back up my blog somewhere.

Re: Teaching I will stop telling Peter in the 5A that he is "talking his fool head off." I will come up with a scheme to make the entire 3G talk.

Re: Major Life Decisions I will finally decide whether I want to be a teacher, a professor, or a therapist. I will not discount options because I think they might be "too hard." I will not decide to study social work just because it will get me out of taking the Literature GRE.

That's really quite enough, I think, considering my past rate of success at keeping resolutions.

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