Saturday, March 27, 2004

Broccoli chic

I actually have a lot to tell you, but I'm still sorting it out in my head, so I'll just give you a run down of what happened yesterday at lunch.

Stefan, who normally sits at my table, and Philipp, who normally does not, decided it would be a good idea to build a tower on the table out of plastic cups. This left us without anything to drink out of, but they were unconcerned.

Anyway, things were all peachy keen until, in the middle of eating our broccoli cream soup, somebody from the first table threw yet another plastic cup at the tower, scattering cups with an impressive amount of noise, considering. Of course, a good number of the cups landed in soup bowls, and Stefan ended up with broccoli cream soup on his sweater. I was less than sympathetic.

Then an argument broke out over who was and was not a virgin, and the cup incident was forgotten.

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