Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Bubble tea and birthdays will be the exceptions

Shameful: I have "The Greatest Love of All" stuck in my head. Fortunately it's the version Joe sings at graduation in Say Anything, but still.

But this is not what I want to talk about. What I want to talk about is the Month of No Eating Out.

The Month of No Eating Out starts today, and it's going to be pretty much what I said. A month. Where I don't eat out. Fun, huh?

By and large this is to curb going out to lunch at work, which tends to be expensive. Saving money is the chief goal of the MoNEO, since I've got a butt-load of expenses coming up here at the end of the summer. But it's also to force me to cook more. We all know I need practice, and I need to stop letting food go to waste because I don't feel like cooking it. Even if it is tofu.

So that is the current program. For those of you who were hoping to eat out with me at some point this month...sorry. But! Let me know far enough in advance and I will cook for you. Mmm, tofurkey.

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