Wednesday, December 25, 2002

Times New Roman: A State of Mind

Good God, does nobody design templates with serif fonts? Honestly. If I were at all HTML-savvy...but I'm not, so I will stop griping and be grateful. Mmm-hm, that'll happen. And a fat man in a red fur suit came down my chimney last night.

Speaking of, looks like this post will go up moments before the end of Christmas Day, so here is your last present from the Christkind: a new blog from me. It will have a cast of thousands and include all the whirly goodies you've come to expect from disenfranchised twenty-somethings, plus impeccable grammar and diction. Just what you always wanted, right? Stop making that face; that's the same face my sister made this morning when she opened the old-lady bathrobe my grandmother sent her.

And we're off to a rousing start....

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